
Why brwsr?

Next-Gen Remote Browser Isolation (RBI)

Almost all successful attacks on users originate from the public internet and many involve web-based attacks. Security and risk management leaders can contain damage by using remote browser isolation to separate end-user internet browsing sessions from enterprise endpoints and networks. Gartner
Organizations that isolate internet web browsing will experience a 70% reduction in attacks that compromise end user systems. Gartner

Cloud Browsers

Remote Browser Isolation via a Cloud Browser

Cloud Browsers were formalized by the W3C in 2017 via a task force in which the founders of brwsr participated thanks to their experience launching the world first HTML5 cloud browser in 2013 running TV applications (e.g. YouTube Leanback) in the cloud and streaming them as a video channel to set-top boxes.

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Isolation that feels native

Your browser in the cloud is Isolated and Performant

The visuals from your Cloud Browser are streamed to your endpoint using a variety of methods and formats (videos, images, vector graphics) to optimize your experience and keep you surfing fast, at native display resolution (up to retina / 4K), and without requiring additional bandwidth.

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Security and Privacy

Remote Browser Isolation that respects your privacy

Separating end-user internet browsing sessions from endpoints via the cloud without compromising your privacy, means that your cookies are stored on your endpoint and nothing is persisted in the cloud.

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Chrome Extension

Availabe Now

Use the Chrome extension to manage and enforce your isolation policies for your Chrome browser.

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